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Seminar Modular Product Platforms

The aim of modularisation and modular design is to achieve a high level of external customer diversity with a low level of component diversity. To this end, this seminar develops a modular concept in the following steps:
  • Market and customer analysis
  • Product and process analysis
  • Definition of standards and variant diversity
  • Development of the configuration logic
  • Organisational anchoring
  • Control of the modular system

13.-14. Mai 2025
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Die Teilnahmegebühr beträgt 595,- EUR.

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Bei Stornierung der Anmeldung bis zu einer Woche vor der Veranstaltung werden 100,- € für den Verwaltungsaufwand berechnet. Ansonsten wird die volle Teilnahmegebühr in Rechnung gestellt.

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Zeit Programmpunkte
9:00 Introduction
9:30 Fundamentals of Complexity Management
10:00 First step: Analyzing the market and portfolio to manage external diversity
10:45 Coffee Break
11:00 Second step: Structuring products to manage internal diversity
11:45 Third step: Defining standards for modular product platforms
12:30 Workshop: Market and product analysis
13:00 End of day 1


Zeit Programmpunkte
9:00 Review of the first day
9:15 Evaluating of product variants based on complexity costs
9:45 Fourth step: Configuring modular product platforms
10:30 Coffee Break
10:45 Workshop: Standards for modular product platforms
11:30 Workshop: Standards for modular product platforms
12:15 Controlling of modular product platforms
12:45 Wrap up "What to do on Monday"
13:00 End of the seminar


In the seminar, you will first learn the basics and strategies of complexity management. The aim is to realize the greatest possible external variety of customer configurations with the smallest possible internal variety of components and modules. The key to this is a modular product platform. You will be introduced to four steps in the development of a modular product platform, starting with market and customer analysis and product and process analysis. After the two steps of the analysis phase, standards and the necessary number of variants are defined. Finally, the configuration logic is developed, which enables you to automatically configure the modules of your products depending on the customer's selection. However, modular product platforms do not end with the concept development. Therefore, the organizational anchoring of the modular strategy and the management of the modular product platform are also addressed. Our experts will present success factors identified from practical examples for designing modular product platforms and in the workshop, you will deepen what you have learned through direct application.
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Dolores Gasparovic

Telefon: +49 (0)241 / 80 23614


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  • Modular product platform & product architecture​
  • Variant management​
  • Modularization​
  • Configuration​
  • Definition of interfaces


Ref_CBossmann Veranstaltung
C. Boßmann, M.Sc.
Complexity Management Academy GmbH


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